COM140 Full Course latest 2018 may

Question # 00589925
Course Code : Com140
Subject: Performing Arts
Due on: 06/08/2018
Posted On: 06/08/2018 04:55 AM
Tutorials: 1
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Module 1 discussion

DQ1 If you don't have the correct Composition for your team and no other resources are available, how would you ensure team performance?

DQ2 Whatley (2012) approaches groups from the perspective of the individual rather than the more common external observations of the group. Do you agree with his conceptualizations of the stages of self? Why or why not?

Module 2 discussion

DQ1 Explain the team competencies scale for assessment and how it plays or could play into your everyday work environment.

DQ2 The Sakulkijkarn (2013) article breaks down the composition of effective teams as defined by Tuckman's (1965) theory of group dynamics. Think of an effective team that you've been part of. Did all of these roles exist? If so, provide an example of a task accomplished by each role. If not, think of a current task you are undertaking with a group and define the actions each role should take to complete the task.

Module 3 discussion

DQ1 What are the alternative approaches to data gathering and data analysis? Why are there alternatives? Explain real-world situations that might suggest using each alternative, and why.

DQ2 The Prytherch (2012) article references Tuckman's (1965) stages of group dynamics (forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning). After forming, a period of storming may occur where the group members strive for leadership or simply to be heard. What is your reaction to Prytherch's findings regarding gender?

Module 4 discussion

DQ1 Explain the three essential dilemmas of coping with hidden disagreement in teams and how they have, or have not, worked in your experience. Also explain why you believe they will, or will not, work if you have not used them before.

DQ2 Read the article by Perry, Karney, and Spencer (2013). Is conflict necessary for teams to reach the highest levels of performing? Why or why not?

Module 5 discussion

DQ1 What are the five skills of disruptive innovators? How do they allow employees to develop into innovative team leaders?

DQ2 As a team leader, how would you overcome the five traps to brainstorming?

Module 6 discussion

DQ1 Explain how a core mission and sub-goals can make for a more successful temporary team.

DQ2 One of the best ways to begin a planning meeting is using the formula: who we are, why we're here, and what we hope to accomplish. Describe how temporary teams function under these guideline.

Module 7 discussion

DQ1 What are the cultural variables that influence multicultural teams? Which is most important to you? Why?

DQ2 Today's society is increasingly moving toward work-at-home virtual teams. One of your workers (Dave) complains that another (Cynthia) is rude in their email correspondence. After talking with Cynthia, she states that she likes to keep her communications short and on-point, but is never rude. How would you control for this type of miscommunication?

Module 8 discussion

DQ1 In your opinion, what trends will challenge organizations in the future? Explain how and why the trends will affect business.

DQ2 If you don't have the correct Composition for your team and no other resources are available, how would you ensure team performance?

Knowing what you know now, what policy would you implement to address team composition?

In the first module of this course you were provided a Discussion Question where one team member accused the other of being rude. Knowing what you know now, what policy would you implement to address team communication?

Module 1 assignment

What are the reasons for poor team performance and how does each tie into team-building activities? Give an example from a current event where poor team performance was evident.

How do high-performing teams manage context and competencies of the team effectively? Break down and explain each.

How can high-performing teams implement change management skills?

Name a time in any one of your jobs when The Four C's would have helped to ease conflict. Be specific on how they would have helped.

Module 2 assignment

Explain the five reasons why context doesn’t always work. Give an example of a current event where context caused a problem.

What are the three most powerful factors in shaping the context for team development? Explain how have they played an important role in your work environment.

Explain the nine characteristics of an effective team leader. Then identify a team leader (CEO, president, owner, etc.) from a major news story during the last year and explain how he/she fits/doesn’t fit into these characteristics.

What is the Team-Building Cycle? Explain how you have used this cycle in your everyday life. Explain a time in your past when you now believe it would have been useful, or why you don’t think it would have helped.

Module 3 assignment

Identify a common problem you face at work. Then apply the steps of the problem-solving process to the problem and describe what you now believe the resolution should be.

Explain the options for action planning. Explain a situation where each of the five options was important.

Explain the appreciative inquiry approach to team building and describe a situation where you believe such an approach might be useful, and explain why.

What are types of feedback? Explain a time when you were required to provide feedback. Explain the situation, what kind of feedback was provided and how you provided it; whether or not it was well received; and what you might do differently next time, if anything, and why.

Module 4 assignment

What is the theory of conflicting personalities? Explain a time in your life when this theory was evident and how you resolved the problem at hand.

Explain what you consider to be the five most important of the nine elements in determining expectations in the role clarification exercise. Give examples of personal experiences on the job for each.

What are the five design options for an interteam-building program? Break each of them down, explaining how they can resolve a hypothetical work conflict.

Why is it important to follow up in order to maintain team effectiveness? Explain a personal experience where follow up worked or failed, and why.

Module 5 assignment

What are the two core categories that executives divide their core tasks into? How does this explain how they are as a team leader?

What is “psychological safety”? Give a personal example of how this has helped you develop or you believe would have helped you had it been there for you, and why.

What is the Balancing Act? Describe each characteristic of the “Discovery Driven” and the “Execution Driven” and how they relate to an event in your life.

What are the five traps that diverse teams face on their way to innovation success? If you were a team leader, how would you try to avoid them, and why?

Module 6 assignment

Explain an ad hoc committee, task force and project team. Identify a situation from current events that you believe would warrant the use of these kinds of teams. Explain the situation and why such a team would be a good choice or not.

Explain the major tasks facing temporary teams. How do they play a key role into building relationships and establishing a supportive emotional climate?

Explain the four steps to designing a temporary team. If you were a team leader, how would you effectively implement these steps? Using a hypothetical situation from a current news story, explain each step and its importance.

Step four of designing a temporary team is broken down into seven subsets involving questions. Explain each of the subset questions and how each of them plays a key role in implementing guidelines for a temporary team.

Module 7 assignment

Why are stereotypical expectations formed in cross-cultural groups? Explain a time (i.e., college course, job, volunteer opportunity) when you had to work with a cross-cultural group and the stereotypical expectations that were, or could have been, formed and why.

Why do cross-cultural teams have difficulty? Give an example when you had interpreted cultural perspective differently from another member of your team.

How do virtual teams differ from traditional teams? Choose a profession and explain how it can engage employees in both types of teams, and why both would be valuable.

What are the several approaches to improving a virtual team’s performance?

Module 8 assignment

List what you feel are the three most important of the 10 steps leaders follow in order for their teams to function effectively. Explain a personal experience where you had to implement one or more of the steps.

Summarize the 10 steps organization leaders should follow in order for their teams to function effectively. Identify one or two that you believe are most critical from your experience, and provide a concrete example to support your beliefs.

How can teams without clear boundaries work effectively to be successful? If you were part of a team without clear boundaries, how did you deal with the situation and were you were successful or not successful? If you have not been part of such a team, identify some situation from current events where such a team would be appropriate, and explain why such a team would be appropriate and what actions need to be taken to ensure success.

Explain how teams of the future will work. If you are to head a future team, what will you do to make sure the team succeeds and why?

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COM140 Full Course latest 2018 may

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