Capella IT2249 Unit 7 Assignment Latest 2020 January

Question # 00607769
Course Code : IT2249
Subject: Computer Science
Due on: 01/16/2020
Posted On: 01/16/2020 04:25 AM
Tutorials: 1
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IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 7 Assignment

Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays

In this assignment, you will design and code a Java console application that reads in seven integer values and prints out the number of occurrences of each value. The application uses the Java single dimension array construct to implement its functionality.

Your program output should look like the sample output provided in the "Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Instructions" course file resource. Full instructions for successfully completing this assignment are included in this resource. Use the submission template available in the resources, WeekXSolutionSubmissionTemplate.docx.

Your assignment will be scored on the following criteria:

Design a program that meets Java single dimensional arrays requirements.

Code an application that exercises single array constructs.

Test the application and document testing.

Explain the approach taken to develop the application and the major decisions made.

Identify relevant fundamental constructs in the submitted program.

Communicates efficiently, effectively, and in an appropriate manner as an IT professional.


Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Scoring Guide.

Week X Solution Submission Template.

Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Single Dimension Arrays Instructions.


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Capella IT2249 Unit 7 Assignment Latest 2020 January

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