Capella IT2249 All Units Discussions Latest 2020 January

Question # 00607762
Course Code : IT2249
Subject: Computer Science
Due on: 01/16/2020
Posted On: 01/16/2020 04:19 AM
Tutorials: 0
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IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 01 Discussion

Your First Java Console Application

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

To prepare for this discussion, set up your Java development environment using the NetBeans IDE and develop your first Java console application that displays the words “Hello, World!” to the screen. Review the resources in the Unit 1 Discussion Prep Study.

Download, install, and configure the NetBeans IDE to your computing device. Then, using NetBeans, create a new Java console application that displays “Hello, World!” on the screen.

For this discussion:

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work. Your screenshot should look like the "Hello World Result."

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 02 Discussion

Echo Input from the Console to the Screen

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

To prepare for this discussion, you practiced echoing the value read from the console to the screen. Create a Java program that reads in any value entered at the console and then prints it out to the screen.

Provide a screenshot of your result of your work. Your screenshot should look like the example in the "Echo Input Results" resource.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 03 Discussion

Debug and Fix Four Compile Time Errors

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, you practiced debugging a Java program that does not compile and fixing it so that it compiles without errors. The program is to read in an integer value and then determines if the value is a multiple of 5 number, an even number, or neither. But the program has four compile errors.

Identify these compile errors and propose remedies for each compile error. Note that these errors are compile errors and are not runtime or program logic errors.

Provide a screenshot of your result of your work. (See the example in the "Four Compile Errors Results" resource.)

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 04 Discussion

Determine if a Character is a Letter, a Digit, or Neither

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, you explored some of the available methods of the Character class to manipulate individual characters.

Create a Java program that reads in a single character entered at the console and then prints it out if the character is a letter, a digit, or neither.

Provide screenshots of the result of your work. Your screenshots should look like those in the "IsLetterIsDigitElse Result" Resource.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 05 Discussion

Add Five Integers Using Java Loops

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, practiced looping constructs by repeatedly reading the values of integers from the console and tallies their sum.

Create a Java program that reads in five integer values entered at the console and tallies their sum. The program then prints the sum out to the screen.

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work. Your screenshot should look like the "Add5IntsWithLoops Results" resource.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.






IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 06 Discussion

Echo Input from the Console to the Screen Using Methods

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, you practiced using Java methods to echo input from the console to the screen. Create a Java program that reads in any value entered at the console and then prints it out to the screen. The program must have at least three methods including the main() method.

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 07 Discussion

Echo Five Integers Using Java Arrays

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

In this discussion, you will practice using Java arrays to store values entered at the console and then to print them out to the screen. That is, you will practice echoing the entered values using arrays.

Create a Java program that reads in five integer values entered at the console and stores them into an array. The program then prints these integer values out to the screen.

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 08 Discussion

Count Occurrences in Seven Integers Using Java Two Dimension Arrays

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

In this discussion, you will practice using a Java 2-dimensional array to count the number of occurrences of seven integer values entered by the user from the keyboard.

Create a Java program that reads in seven integer values entered at the console, counts the number of occurrences of each of the seven values, and prints the number of occurrences to the screen.

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 09 Discussion

Design, Draw UML Class Diagram, and Implement a Java Course Class

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, you practiced designing a Java class called Course, drawing a UML class diagram for the Course class, and then implementing the Course class in Java code. Review the Resources section to help you with this discussion.

Design a Java class called Course that has the following attributes:

code – a string field to store the course code (e.g., IT1006).

creditHours – an int field to store the credit hours of the course (e.g., 6).

Draw a UML class diagram for the Course class. Then implement your design of the Course class in Java.

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.


IT2249 Introduction to Programming with Java

Unit 10 Discussion     

Complete the Programming of a Simple Object-Oriented Application

Review the resources and instructions in the Discussion Prep Study before completing this discussion.

For this discussion, you practiced instantiating an already defined Java class into objects and invoking the attributes of these objects. Unzip the attached NetBeans project zip file ( and load it into your NetBeans IDE.

The project defines two classes:

A Java class called Course (in with certain attributes, and

Another class called U10D1_InstantiateUseArrayOfObjects (in This class creates an array of Course objects and initializes their attributes to specific values and then calls the WriteCurrentRegistration() to print the current list of registered classes and their total credit hours. The WriteCurrentRegistration() still needs to be coded.

Code the WriteCurrentRegistration() method to meet the stated requirements specified in the project.

For this discussion:

Provide a screenshot of the result of your work.

Explain, briefly, how you completed this exercise, the algorithm you used (via pseudo code or other description tools), the major issues you faced, and how you solved them.

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Questions: 34513 Tutorials: 33884

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