Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Key Concepts

Question # 00652275
Subject: Philosophy
Due on: 02/15/2024
Posted On: 02/15/2024 02:18 AM
Tutorials: 1
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LSC Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Key Concepts Questions

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Please read the questions as they guide your focus for the course readings. Answer in full sentences in your own words, share your notes from reading and from discussion too. Please assume they are handwritten unless directed otherwise in the question. Journal portion must always be completed by hand on paper. Snap a picture and/or scan and insert into the word document. Or you may post the picture/scan as its own document. Checklist ? ? ? ? Do the reading in the Reading Calendar/Log and keep track (log due last week) Complete taking notes on the Context Lecture and complete this Study Guide. The Guide should be handwritten.

? Focused on readings from Chapters 3, 5 and 10 Look for a discussion and Paper #1 proposal as well Get to Dr. Soden with any questions, comments or just to kick around some ideas. It’s never a bother

Part 1: Please share your notes from the context lecture.

Part 2: Chapters 3, 5 and 10 (all work should be completed in 2 or more good paragraphs)

1. Please explain the Four Noble Truths that the Buddha discovered after a prolonged period of meditation under a tree (36-40).

2. The Noble Truths make clear that there must be a path to end suffering. The Buddha articulates the path as the Noble Eightfold Path. Explain, in detail, each aspect of the path (40-44)

3. Some Key concepts - Define each: Vedas, Brahman, Upanishads, Samsara, Karma, Four Divine Abidings, Nirvana.

4. Please explain Confucius’ approach to Filial Piety, Ritual Propriety, Good Government and Rectification of the Names (228-234)

5. Explore Mencius’ doctrine of differentiated love (235-237)

6. Key Concepts: Analects, Ren, Moral self-cultivation

Journal: - Set your timer for 10-15 minutes - Collect your notes, Guide and book - Write non-stop in answer to the quote and/or question. Focus: Pick one: - Read about the “Classic of the Way of Virtue” by Laozi and respond (91-92) - “The gentleman cherishes virtue, whereas the petty person cherishes physical possessions” from Confucius in the Analects (229).

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Buddhism Confucianism Taoism Key Concepts

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