Bryant HUSS130 Course Project Latest 2019 August

Question # 00611040
Course Code : HUSS130
Subject: Religious Studies
Due on: 04/24/2020
Posted On: 04/24/2020 12:17 PM
Tutorials: 1
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HUSS130 Cultural Competence in Human Services

Course Project

Requirements and Formatting

Your Portfolio Project must be formatted as follows:

? APA formatting

a. Title and References page

b. Times New Roman or Arial 12-point font

c. 1-inch margins

d. Page numbers in top right corner

? APA Citations

a. Include information, as well as in-text citations and an entry on the

References page, from a minimum of four scholarly and professional

sources (not including your textbook)

b. For APA information refer to the Bryant & Stratton College APA Style

Guide located in the Student Resource button.

Assignment Requirements:

Health disparities refer to differences in health in populations of people as a result of

socioeconomic or environmental disadvantage. Most often, these populations are ones

that have experienced significant discrimination and prejudice throughout history.

Examples of populations that may have health disparities can include any population of

individuals that have experienced a disadvantage to their health as a result of

socioeconomic status, geography, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, mental health,

cognitive and developmental disabilities, sexual orientation or identity. For this

Evaluation you will select one Health Disparity from the provided list and develop an

Evaluation Report from the given scenario.


You are a healthcare professional working for a relief organization in the United States

to assist and evaluate human and social services care. Functioning as a team member to

support the goals and objectives of the organization, you have been tasked with

creating an Evaluation Report to combat the current health disparity of the selected

population. Please select a population of people within the United States that suffers

from a health disparity from the list of potential topics provided below and create an

Evaluation Report to propose to your supervisor so he can use it as support, to request

funding for outreach and health education for the selected population from the Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

HUSS130 - Portfolio Project 3

Potential Topics (health disparities in underserved populations):

• Infant mortality

• Asthma

• Obesity


• Tuberculosis

• Coronary Health Disease

• Osteoporosis

• Suicides

• Smoking and Tobacco Use

Evaluation Report: This IS NOT A PAPER, but rather a proposal format for your

supervisor to use in his meeting with the CDC. Use the template provided in Week 5 to

address the population and disparity.

Deliverable Descriptions

Week 2 – Selection of Topic

Select a topic from the list of potential topics. Submit an approximately two-paragraph

explanation of why you have chosen your topic. Begin to collect research on your topic

through the use of Bryant & Stratton College’s Virtual Library or another professional


Week 3 – Essential Questions Discussion

This will be a discussion within the Week 3 Activity folder to share your EQ and

responses to peers. These directions introduce the idea of Essential Questions. Since this

may be a new concept or term for you, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with

what an Essential Question is and how you can create your own.

Formulate a response to this essential question:

? Why do health disparities exist?

Now, create one Essentials Question you think will help you focus the writing of your

Portfolio Project. Briefly discuss how your question will guide the development of your

Portfolio Project.

Week 4 – Thesis Statement and Outline for Evaluation Report

Submit a thesis statement and outline of your Evaluation Report with citations (using

the template in the Activities folder) for review.

HUSS130 - Portfolio Project 4

Week 5 – Evaluation Report Draft in Discussion

Submit a draft of your Evaluation Report for peer & instructor review in the draft

discussion board in the activities folder. Use the template in the Activities folder for

your report.

Week 7 – Final Submission of Evaluation Report

Submit final Evaluation Report being sure to incorporate feedback given by peers and

your instructor during previous draft submissions.

Week 7.5 - Reflection

For the final piece of your Portfolio Project, you will reflect upon the course and how it

directly relates to the Bryant & Stratton Workplace Capabilities.

Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities

Tolerance Communication Attitude

Interpersonal Skills Perseverance Enthusiasm

Problem Solving Persuasion Productivity

Dependability Informational Literacy Technological Literacy

Financial Literacy

This reflection will be delivered orally in the form of a PowerPoint with Voiceover. The total recording should be 2-3 minutes in length. For further direction on how to create a narration in PowerPoint, visit Student Resources in the Blackboard Course Navigation


a) For this reflection, discuss the Workplace Capability of Persuasion. Analyze the

importance of Persuasion as a Workplace Capability to your future career. Also,

choose a second workplace capability from the chart above and reflect on that.

b) In your own words reflect on how this project meets the Program outcome (for

your program) and one Institutional outcome as stated on the first page of these


Upload and submit your final reflection to your ePortfolio


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Bryant HUSS130 Course Project Latest 2019 August

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