ASPEN N492 2020 February Module 2 Assignment Latest

Question # 00608320
Course Code : N492
Subject: Health Care
Due on: 02/14/2020
Posted On: 02/14/2020 06:45 AM
Tutorials: 1
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N492 Community Health Nursing I

Module 2 Assignment  

Identify an older adult age 65 +, use a 1st and last initial. Execute a therapeutic assessment interview with them for at least two interview sessions assessing their self-identified:

Demographics, life time education and career/employment

Two most significant (positive) times in their lives

What past hardship or loss has the client successfully negotiated in the past?

Two personal strengths

Engage them in identifying what is healthy versus non-healthy coping skills

Inquire of 2 healthy coping skills they have used in the past and/or now

Three (3) pieces of advice they would give to their younger self if they could?

Support the client in taking the Geriatric Depression Scale.pdf

Support the client in taking the Fulmer SPICES Assessment.pdf

Perform a Mini Mental State Exam.pdf and Patient_Stress_Questionnaire.pdf (attach here)

Perform a Hall, Hall, and Chapman Article.pdf

Report the findings from the Geriatric Depression Scale, Fulmer Spices, Patient stress questionnaire and the mini mental status exam

Discuss your older adult’s level of ego integrity vs. despair as described by psychoanalyst Erik Erikson. If you had to rate them on a scale of 1-10, with 1 representing a full state of despair and 10 representing full ego integrity, what rating would you give your older adult?

Describe at least two nursing diagnoses for this client. 

Create a plan of care for the client to include at least three nursing goals with two nursing interventions each.

The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be at least 1500 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.

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ASPEN N492 2020 February Module 2 Assignment Latest

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