Imagine you are a program manager for a local youth center
University of Phoenix presentation technology impact theories
Imagine you are a program manager for a local youth center. You are creating a presentation for parents to learn about how people inter …
Psychology - Create a mind map which compares and contrasts three
Psychology Question
Create a mind map which compares and contrasts three of the personality theories that have been studied so far in this course (select a minimum of two from this session). …
PSUCH1010 Unit 5 Discussion - Types of Memory: Define and give
psych1010 Savannah Tech unit 5 DB
Types of Memory: Define and give an example (preferably a personal one) of each of the following: Episodic memory; Semantic memory; Procedural Memory.
Ooops! …
PSY335 Psychology - How do parenting styles impact
Psychology Question
How do parenting styles impact a child's level of physical activity? Are children raised by parents with permissive or uninvolved parents less active than those ra …
PSY630 Critical Review - Describe the critical classes of drugs
Critical Review (Topic is OCD)
This week, please focus on the pharmacological (drug) treatment of your selected disorder. Other modes of treatment are not the focus of our class. For instance, pape …
PSY630 Pharmacological and Physiological Antagonism
Pharmacological and Physiological Antagonism
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Alc …
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Behavioral Health Quality
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Behavioral Health Quality Management and Compliance
For this assignment, you will be the president or CEO of the behavioral health organization yo …
CLP305 Task 1 - Theoretical Analysis of Clinical Approaches
Task 1: Theoretical Analysis of Clinical Approaches
Assignment: Write an essay analyzing two major psychological theories that are funda …
CLP305 Discussion 1 - How do different psychological theories
Discussion 1
How do different psychological theories influence the choice of treatment approaches in clinical and counseling psychology? …
Psychology - why you consider them, and what you plan
Psychology Question
This self-assessment/discussion aims to identify at least three of your strengths, why you consider them, and what you plan to do to maintain them. You will also identify three …
COUN5239 Week 7 Discussion - Discuss how you would incorporate
Week 7 discussion
Create a brief case scenario of a client experiencing conflicts surrounding cultural norms, oppression, social interest, or gender expectations. Discuss how you would …
Neurotrasmitters seratonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
Neurotrasmitters seratonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine
Compose and upload an account of how, if at all, the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are implicated in the develop …
Discussion - Identify ethical issues and mitigation strategies
Identify ethical issues and mitigation strategies for your proposed project. Let's discuss how you are addressing the ethical issues and the myriad of mitigation actions you might ap …
Assignment - Concept Mapping Memory
Memory Concept Map
Assignment: Concept Mapping Memory
Here is a brief youtube video on how to make a concept map:
Objective: The objectiv …
Thinking and Intelligence Discussion - Culture and Intelligence Testing
Thinking and Intelligence Discussion Post
Culture and Intelligence Testing: Exploring the Influence of Sociocultural Factors
As we delve into the fascinating realm of thinking and intelligence, …
Early Historical Development of Applied Behavior Analysis
In 1913, John B. Watson was the first American psychologist to call himself a "behaviorist." From 1913 to 1974, a series of events and developments took place that helped to shape and contri …
PSY630 - Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest
Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, th …
PSY630 - Issues Behind Addictive Drug
Issues Behind Addictive Drug Use
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the text and review the required articles for this week. Humans have engaged i …
Unit 1 Discussion - Applied Behavior Analysis
Unit 1 Discussion Applied Behavior Analysis
For this discussion, you will read pages 19-23 in Cooper et al., 2020, the introductory chapter in Case Studies in Applied Behavior Analysis for Students …
Psychology - As a forensic psychology professional, you will encounter
Psychology Question
As a forensic psychology professional, you will encounter a variety of ethical issues in handling cases of family violence, including issues with identification, intervention, a …