Anatomy and Physiology

Overview of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human anatomy and physiology is the scientific study of the body’s structures. Some of these structures are very small; therefore can only be seen and analyzed with a microscope. Human physiology is the scientific study of the chemical and physical structure of the body. They work together to support the functions of life. 

The word “anatomy” is a Greek word that means “ to cut apart.” Anatomy is about structures, but physiology is about the functions of the living being. Physiology includes observation, manipulations, and measurements, both with the microscope and naked eyes. Current advances in physiology depend on laboratory experiments—the study of anatomy without an understanding of the physiology. 

Organ Systems Anatomy and Physiology

The below system explains the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body. 

Skeletal System

It demonstrates anatomical sections, regions, and directions. Additionally, it identifies the general functions of the skeletal system. The skeletal system is very complicated since it has 206 bones and contains networks. According to anatomy and physiology, our bones have two categories: axial and appendicular. 

Muscular System

The muscular system is responsible for the movement of the human body. There are anatomical differences between skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle tissue. Roughly, a human body has 700  muscles attached to the bones of the skeletal system. There are three main types of tissues: Visceral, cardiac, and skeletal.

Integumentary System

It includes the structural features and functional significance of the skin, hair, nails, and exocrine glands. Skin is a few millimeters thick. Hence it is the largest organ in the human body. Then comes the epidermis, which is the most superficial layer. It covers the entire surface of the body.

Nervous System

Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system made up of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. It is a sophisticated collection of nerves and specialized cells. This collection is known as neurons, and these neurons transmit signals to different body parts. 

Endocrine System

The word “endocrine” comes from the Greek words “endo” means within, and “crinis” means tp secrete. It’s composed of several glands that produce hormones, chemical substances of the body regulates functions of cells and organs. The main aim of the gland is to remove materials from the blood.


Blood is a circulating tissue, which is composed of fluid, plasma, and cells. It is mostly liquid, with numerous cells and proteins suspended in it. They make the blood thicker than pure water. On average, a person has five liters of blood.

Heart and Blood Vessels

The heart is an organ in the human body that pumps blood filled with oxygen and nutrients through the blood vessels. On average, it pumps 100,000 times per day, which means pumping five to six quarts of blood each minute. 

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