
History Behind Celebrating Christmas | An Overview 

Most people celebrate Christmas but do you know the history behind celebrating Christmas Day? It is a holiday in many parts of the world, but not all. It is that time where many homes are decorated with Christmas trees. Festive activities include singing Christmas carols, exchanging gifts, etc. Christmas cards are also sent before the belief that gospels not only transcends culture it also transforms it.

The reason behind celebrating Christmas on 25th December 

There are two theories behind Celebrating Christmas on 25th December. 

Firstly, the date is “accepted” by the Western Churches of March 25 as the Conception of Jesus in Mary’s womb. December 25 is nine months later and, therefore, celebrated as the birthday of Jesus. Secondly, people celebrated some holidays around that time. The number of celebration days with trees, decorations, mistletoe, and feasts seem to point to a season of celebration. Christians believed the birth of Jesus as a counter-cultural event.

Origins of the Christmas Eve 

For many centuries, Christmas was celebrated not just as a single day but as a whole season in many parts of the world. Celebrating Christmas day began with this day, December 24, Christmas Eve. Christmas means “Christ-Mass.”

The meaning behind Ancient traditions 

Let’s have a look at the ancient traditions and Christian meanings behind them.

  • Candle – It depicts that Christ is the Light of the world.
  • Red – It is a color of Christmas that depicts Christ’s blood and death.
  • The Yule log: All the men in the family would carry a large enough log to burn for 12 days into the house. It was symbolized with Christ and His Cross.
  • Mistletoe: It was an ancient symbol from Roman times. It symbolizes that under the mistletoe, old enmities and friendship were restored.
  • Bells: Bells depicts ringing out the news. And the birth of Christ is the best news of all.
  • Gifts: Gifts symbolize the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Modern Day Traditions of Celebrating Christmas 

Santa Claus is obtained from the Dutch word Sinter Claus, meaning Saint Nicholas in English. Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of the Church in Turkey. He became aware that the family had to sell their children in slavery to meet their daily expenses. So one night, he came and left the money on their doorsteps. That’s how the term Santa Claus came into existence.

Origin of the Christmas tree 

The source of the origin of the Christmas tree comes from the 8th century. The story is about St. Boniface. He is best known as “Felling of Thor’s Oak.” As he began to chop the oak, a mighty wind blew and hurled the tree to the ground. It holds that a fir tree was growing in the roots of the oak. Boniface claimed the tree as a symbol of Christ. From thereon, the tradition of the Christmas tree began.

May this Christmas day bring lots of happiness and positivity in everybody’s life. Merry Christmas to you and your family from the Homework Joy team.

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